Požega grad sa svoga položaja sasvim romantično, od starinah znamenito mjesto, s jedne strane imade liepe gore u vis dižuće svoje dobrim trsjeni nakitjene glave, s druge strane ravno razliveno polje donoseće tamošnjim stanovnikom liep krušac, i paprenikah kolačah; vrhu toga potok Orljava ukrasiva i ugodni položaj mjestu tom daje; izvori pako, kao: Fratrovica, Tekia, i mnogi drugi, kojimi ovaj prediel obiluje, daju bistru kano najfinie staklo, a hladnu kao led vodicu, što umorenu težaku svojom moćju žedju ugodno ublažuje. Još dolinu Jagodnjak zvanu, je to krasota pogledati, pa zato i nuka nas, da se zahvalimo svemogućem stvoritelju, koi sva ova za razkožje ljudstva tako liepo priredi.
Miroslav Kraljević
The Požega house
The Požega house contains of the ground floor and the cellar where you can explore historical and cultural heritage of the city. Apart from the story about city, there is also a unique souvenir shop!
Heritage & tradition
Explore Golden valley
A walk through the history of the city will reveal you life and the cultural development of the people of Požega through the centuries and the drunken bike will show you the natural wealth of Požega!
Friar Luka Ibrišimović
On march 12th, the people of Požega celebrate the day of the city - Grgurevo. On this day in 1688. friar Luka Ibrišimović defeated the Ottoman army in Požega. In the Požega house, you will learn more about friar Luka Ibrišimović how he got the nickname "The hawk" and how he organized the liberation of Požega. Besides, you will also have the opportunity to test your knowledge about Požega.
Baron von der Trenck
The rough and dark atmosphere of baron von der Trenck room reveals what kind of historical figure he was. Here, you will learn more about his life between reality and legend, but you also have the opportunity to duel him.
Wine & chocolate
In contrary to the historical, factual ground floor of the Požega house, the cellar will awaken all of your senses. Wine and chocolate became part of the city identity and thus integrated in the cultural life of the citizens of Požega. Aside from wine and chocolate, the cellar will give you information about famous traditional dishes of Požega and their recipes, you can also play a quiz about chocolate or you can make your own chocolate treat. The mystical atmosphere of the cellar is fulfilled with romantic stories and legends about the famous citizens of Požega!
- Uto - Pet | 10:30 - 12:30
- Sat | 10:00 - 13:00
- info@gmp.hr
- Trg Svetog Trojstva 1, 34 000 Požega